2021 06 25
I wish I could blame my impatience to the excessive amount of content there is on the internet. I wish I could blame it on the amazing things that everyone seems to be doing and I’m not. I wish I could blame it on the fear of not doing enough. Unfortunately, I know this is not the case and while I know the current state of affairs doesn’t help much, I have to be honest and recognize the enemy I have been leaving with for as long as I can remember.
Sometimes impatience can be a bless. If you give it enough slack, it will make you proactive. You will end up taking action on things that would have taken longer to happen. The challenge then becomes to stop yourself and let others shine on their one. The line between being proactive and not delegating is thin. Once you cross it, you enter a path that will take you straight to burn out, micro-management, and a few other annoying things.