Dreaming feels like your brain is a librarian that went to work after getting hamered with a cocktail of alcohol and light drugs. It starts picking random events, people, and places from your life and connecting them together with no purpose. It’s as if it had just realized how fucked up everything is and it decided to try to fix your past once and for all. Sadly, none of this works and the results just creates new data that will likely be used for future dreams.

Dream or nightmare? I can certainly tell that I’m not scared by these dreams but rather disgusted by the ineficiency of the brain. Maybe it’s a nightmare after all.

Another, more technology oriented, version is this:

Dreaming feels, to me, just like debugging an issue in a distributed system where you failed to route messages through the right queues and now you find yourself with mixed data in your indexes. Querying this data just provides the worst results, the worst aggregations. The more data you let go through, the worse it gets.