Cats are assholes. They do they, period. Dogs, on the other hand, seem to be friendlier, at least to human’s tastes. They have one thing in common, tho. I mean, besides being animals, eating, pooping, walking on four legs, etc. They have one thing in common. Cats and dogs are genuine and authentic. Unlike humans, I don’t think they are capable of faking any of these qualities, which may be a good thing. In the case of humans, of course.

When someone tells you to be genuine and authentic, what that person really means is that both of those things are great, if you are like a dog. If you are a cat, then you should first learn to be more like a dog, be cause no one likes assholes. So much for being genuine and authentic, right?

Let me save you some time and some fortune-cookei money. Empathy is what you are looking for. Learn how to show emptahy and you will earn human’s hearts forever. Unless they are cats faking to be dogs, in which case there’s not much you can do.